

(i)School Internship will be taken in three phases: Pre- Internship; Internship and Post Internship.

(ii)Pre-Internship,involve the following activities for a period of two weeks.

(a) Demonstration Lessons: The teacher educator of the concerned method subject will present demonstration lesson for the method subject and each student teacher shall observe two demonstration lessons of their respective method subjects and submit the report.

(b) Micro Teaching Practice: Each student teacher will undergo micro teaching practice session for five teaching skills in each subject under the supervision of concerned teacher Educator. This should be followed by two lessons on Integration of Skills.

(c) Macro Teaching Practice: Each student will undergo Macro Teaching Practice session for two lessons in each subject under the supervision of concerned Teacher educator. The work performed during the pre- internship shall be evaluated internally by the concerned teacher educator on the basis of reports submitted.

During pre-internship, student teachers will also pay visit to their allotted practicing school and interact with school teachers & principal to acquire firsthand knowledge of School’s academic environment and submit the report.

(iii)Internship: During internship each student teacher will be attached with a particular school for a period of twelve weeks (three months) where he will undergo teaching practice in the actual classroom by delivering 60 lessons (30 in each method subject) under the supervision of concerned teacher educator.

(iv)Post Internship: At the end of the teaching practice a student teacher will present two criticism lessons on two method subjects to finally demonstrate her/his teaching competency which will be evaluated by the concerned teacher educator towards his internal assessment. It will be spread over one week.

School Internship, besides teaching practice, will also involve some other school related works as a part of his/her training. To maintain Teacher ‘s Diary, Preparation of Time Table, Addressing School Assembly, Preparing Students’ Portfolio, Attending Staff Meeting and Writing Minutes. A student teacher is to perform these works during the tenure of his/her internship of 15 (fifteen) weeks and submit the report for internal assessment.

III. Awarding Final Result

(a)Theory Result in theory Papers (out of 1100) shall be awarded in terms of Division as follows:
Above 60% I Division
Between 50% - 59% II Division
Below 50% Simple Pass